
Our Partners

We’re proud to partner with several organisations that are as passionate about the countryside as we are.

Through these ongoing collaborations, we’re able to offer you some fabulous discounts and unique experiences. By joining forces and sharing resources, we’re connecting communities and helping more people access and enjoy the great outdoors.

Here are just a few of the fantastic projects
and community initiatives we’re part of

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Since 1998, our Pathways Fund has been making a real difference – one that extends beyond the trails and into people’s everyday lives.

By providing funding for the repair and maintenance of footpaths, stiles, and conservation projects, it helps maintain coast and countryside landscapes for the benefit of everyone. The fund also offers assisted holidays to individuals or families facing financial difficulties, enabling them to discover the joys of the great outdoors.

Whether it’s offering assisted holidays or protecting and preserving popular footpaths, the initiatives our Pathways Fund helps support is a huge step towards making the countryside accessible to all.

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Since 1998, our Pathways Fund has been making a real difference – one that extends beyond the trails and into people’s everyday lives.

By providing funding for the repair and maintenance of footpaths, stiles, and conservation projects, it helps maintain coast and countryside landscapes for the benefit of everyone. The fund also offers assisted holidays to individuals or families facing financial difficulties, enabling them to discover the joys of the great outdoors.

Whether it’s offering assisted holidays or protecting and preserving popular footpaths, the initiatives our Pathways Fund helps support is a huge step towards making the countryside accessible to all.

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Since 1998, our Pathways Fund has been making a real difference – one that extends beyond the trails and into people’s everyday lives.

By providing funding for the repair and maintenance of footpaths, stiles, and conservation projects, it helps maintain coast and countryside landscapes for the benefit of everyone. The fund also offers assisted holidays to individuals or families facing financial difficulties, enabling them to discover the joys of the great outdoors.

Whether it’s offering assisted holidays or protecting and preserving popular footpaths, the initiatives our Pathways Fund helps support is a huge step towards making the countryside accessible to all.

Our Partners

Friends of the Lake District

Friends of the Lake District is an independent charity and the only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Cumbria’s landscapes. They take action to protect and conserve the natural beauty of this region for the benefit of visitors, local communities, wildlife and habitats – ensuring it is accessible and enjoyed by all. You can become a member of Friends of the Lake District here.

HF Holidays members can receive a free gift of a pack of 12 Lake District notecards when joining Friends of the Lake District. Quote HF-FRIEND when joining online. Valid for new memberships only.

Friends of the Lake District

Friends of the Lake District is an independent charity and the only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Cumbria’s landscapes. They take action to protect and conserve the natural beauty of this region for the benefit of visitors, local communities, wildlife and habitats – ensuring it is accessible and enjoyed by all. You can become a member of Friends of the Lake District here.

HF Holidays members can receive a free gift of a pack of 12 Lake District notecards when joining Friends of the Lake District. Quote HF-FRIEND when joining online. Valid for new memberships only.

Friends of the Lake District

Friends of the Lake District is an independent charity and the only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Cumbria’s landscapes. They take action to protect and conserve the natural beauty of this region for the benefit of visitors, local communities, wildlife and habitats – ensuring it is accessible and enjoyed by all. You can become a member of Friends of the Lake District here.

HF Holidays members can receive a free gift of a pack of 12 Lake District notecards when joining Friends of the Lake District. Quote HF-FRIEND when joining online. Valid for new memberships only.

Friends of the Lake District

Friends of the Lake District is an independent charity and the only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Cumbria’s landscapes. They take action to protect and conserve the natural beauty of this region for the benefit of visitors, local communities, wildlife and habitats – ensuring it is accessible and enjoyed by all. You can become a member of Friends of the Lake District here.

HF Holidays members can receive a free gift of a pack of 12 Lake District notecards when joining Friends of the Lake District. Quote HF-FRIEND when joining online. Valid for new memberships only.

Friends of the Lake District

Friends of the Lake District is an independent charity and the only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Cumbria’s landscapes. They take action to protect and conserve the natural beauty of this region for the benefit of visitors, local communities, wildlife and habitats – ensuring it is accessible and enjoyed by all. You can become a member of Friends of the Lake District here.

HF Holidays members can receive a free gift of a pack of 12 Lake District notecards when joining Friends of the Lake District. Quote HF-FRIEND when joining online. Valid for new memberships only.

Friends of the Lake District

Friends of the Lake District is an independent charity and the only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Cumbria’s landscapes. They take action to protect and conserve the natural beauty of this region for the benefit of visitors, local communities, wildlife and habitats – ensuring it is accessible and enjoyed by all. You can become a member of Friends of the Lake District here.

HF Holidays members can receive a free gift of a pack of 12 Lake District notecards when joining Friends of the Lake District. Quote HF-FRIEND when joining online. Valid for new memberships only.

Together we can create the outdoor movement

Get in touch with [Email Here] for more information on offers for our members, or contact [Email Here] if you’re a brand looking to partner with us.

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